Scribd Global Navigation
The goal of this project was to simplfiy the global navigation for the Scribd mobile applications. The previous versions utilized a "hamburger" menu in which there was an overwhelming number of entry points to choose from. So, to reduce the cognitive load of the user, we reduced the number of entry points. Users expressed that they'd like an easier way to naviagate to recently read items as well as a need for fewer options in the navigation menu.
Ashley is a 32 year old, stay at home mother. She is an avid Romance reader, who does most of her reading at home while taking care of the kids. She spends a lot of time running around from task to task and likes to catch a few pages in between.
User Stories
As a user, I want to enter all the main pages of Scribd from anywhere in the UI.
As a user, I want to be able to access my last read books from anywhere in the UI.
Find a solution that will allow the user to see entry points for all the main areas of the product from all top level screens.
Collaborated with another UX designer. I provided the Persona, User Stories and all Visual Design.
Mobile Clients
For the mobile versions, I chose to go with a bottom anchored navigation (shown on the left). This allows the user to access the important areas of the site as well as their most recently read items from anywhere in the app. The Recently Read view (shown on the right) is what the user sees when they tap the middle icon that represents the title they were last reading.
iOS Layouts
Android Layouts
Web Client
The web version is slightly different, since web users have a slighlty different set of needs in this context. Users on a browser have all the options as the mobile app. but also have the option to upload documents to Scribd. The Upload and Recently Read entry points are the most frequently used on web, so they were given a higher priority than the mobile version.