This is a concept for an iOS 7 application. “fix’d” is used for timing laps, and calculating gear inches and skid spots.
Adam is a 24 yr old fixed gear rider. He and his friends like to tune their bikes a lot with new parts. After they are done tuning their bikes, they like to race around the block a few times to see how the new parts held up.
User Stories
As a user, I want to know how long I've been riding.
As a user, I want to keep track of my individual lap times around the block.
As a user, I want to be able to calculate gear inches quickly.
As a user, I want to be able to calculate skid spots quickly.
Design an application for fixed gear riders to keep track of lap timing, and calculate gear inches and skid spots.
Final Visual Design
Loading and Stopwatch Screens
On the left is the loading screen. The screen on the right is the stopwatch before the user has started it.
Stopwatch Screens
Here the user has started the stopwatch and added a few laps.
Gear Inches and Skid Spot Calculators
The screen on the left is showing the gear inches calculator and the screen on the right is showing the skid spot calculator. The color of the numbers in the large view port are reflecting whether this setting is good or bad.
Tablet Loading Screen
Tablet version of the loading screen for an iPad.
Tablet Screen Showing All Tools
With more visual real estate on an iPad, I was able to get all of the features into one screen.